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Farewell Messages for Saying Goodbye to Colleagues and Coworkers

Last updated: January 31, 2024

Coworkers come and go in the workplace, but that doesn’t mean it’s any easier to write farewell messages when saying goodbye. Many of us spend a lot of time with our colleagues. We share some of our most stressful moments with them, as well as some of our greatest accomplishments. Long-time coworkers, managers, clients, and bosses may even come to be near and dear to us. Though we may be happy for them when they move on to a new step in their life, it can be bittersweet, and we want to send them off with our best wishes.

farewell messages retiree enjoying farewell cupcake

On this page, we have messages to help you find the heartfelt and funny words to say farewell to your coworker, workplace buddy, employee, or boss. We also have farewell wishes to write in a retirement card, and even ways to say goodbye when you’re the one who’s leaving the company. You can write them into a farewell gift, text message, or email.

Short |
Farewell Messages |
Leaving Messages |
Retirement |
Funny |
For Boss

Why Say Goodbye to Colleagues and Coworkers?

Career changes and new beginnings can be both exciting and intimidating at the same time. Whatever their circumstances for leaving, a kind farewell message supports colleagues and retirees as they move forward with confidence. Furthermore, saying goodbye offers a last act of appreciation for their work, including their skills and mentorship.

Whether they’re leaving for their dream job, to further their education, for health reasons, retirement, or other personal reasons, it’s always good to write your message with warmth and compassion. A fond sendoff will let them know that their labor has meant something and that they’ve left a mark. This can be motivating while allowing for an easier transition toward continued success. Not to mention, on the personal side, they’ll be touched that you reached out.

Furthermore, by bonding and giving closure at the same time, farewells increase morale among the company’s remaining employees. It can be ominous to see people leaving without fanfare, even when they leave on good terms. By making a warm environment for those who leave, you remind the rest of the company that you value each of them.

Professional Ways to Celebrate a Colleague Who’s Leaving

  • Cards and gifts. While a card is a thoughtful exchange for any departure, gifts are most appropriate for those who’ve made a significant contribution or worked at the company for a significant time. These keepsakes offer a memento for remembering the workplace fondly. If you plan ahead, you might persuade your coworkers to help fund a group gift as well.
  • A farewell or retirement party. In or out of the office, a party can be a positive way to send off coworkers. This allows coworkers to get together, put their work down, relax, and say goodbye to the guest, while hopefully making some last memories.
  • Emails. You might associate email farewells with how supervisors or management. Nonetheless, email is especially crucial for saying goodbye in remote working situations or workplaces where colleagues may not see each other in person. This is also a great way to keep in touch in the future.
  • Tips for Writing a Farewell Message

  • Keep it brief and on-topic.
  • Professional doesn’t mean impersonal. Use your colleague’s name in the message and tailor the message to their particular skills, expertise, and interests, and even their retirement plans.
  • Show appreciation and congratulate them by mentioning their achievements. Give specific examples of how your coworker has helped the team, improved the workplace, and any skills and strengths they might have trained or mentored.
  • If you’re not sure whether it should be a more casual or formal message, let the workplace culture and your own relationship guide your writing.
  • Keep it positive and uplifting. Leave out sensitive material, particularly if this is a public farewell. If someone is leaving due to their health or other personal life circumstances, try not to out their hardships. These things are for them to share if they wish to.
  • Be a little vulnerable. Let your workplace buddy know that you’ll miss them. This might also be your last chance to let someone know if you want to stay in touch. And don’t forget to share contact information now while it’s easy. However, do respect their boundaries and privacy if they choose to decline.
  • Short Farewell Messages to Add to a Group Card

    You’ve probably signed many group cards for your coworkers. It’s always hard to come up with something original and heartfelt when you’re on the spot. Here are some short farewell messages you can write into a farewell card.

    Wishing you new things to learn and new adventures ahead!

    It’s so hard to say goodbye. Please don’t be a stranger around here!

    Cheers on the new position! You’re going to be incredible.

    I hope this new job offers you everything you could want and more.

    Wishing you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

    Thanks for the patience, kindness, and high level of professionalism that you always brought to this place. All the best for your new position!

    Today we’re saying goodbye to a truly special person. Congratulations to one of the brightest and most skilled workers I know.

    Thanks for always bringing your all to everything you do. I know everyone on the team will miss you dearly.

    People like you make this a great place to work every day. Hope you find a new place that appreciates you as much as we have.

    Best of luck with your new job! I’m sure you’ll knock it out of the park, just as you did here every day.

    Your new employer will be so lucky to have you. You’ve been an incredible part of this team, and we’ll miss your positive energy.

    As you leave, I hope you know that you’ve made a strong impact on this team. It won’t be the same without you.

    Farewell Messages to a Departing Colleague or Coworker

    A simple and professional farewell message reaffirms bonds while offering your colleague a warm departure. When people leave a workplace, they like to know that they have left some mark or legacy. Your words are part of a warm send-off to their next stage of life. Don’t worry, you can even say a fond farewell to acquaintances and colleagues you weren’t particularly close to.

    We’ll all miss you around the office. Here’s to some restful time off and incredible success wherever you go next.

    I’m so bummed to have to say goodbye to a good friend and a close workplace confidante. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you, and I endlessly respect how amazing you are at your job. May you enjoy limitless success in your new position.

    You’ve been the teammate who could always make me smile. Your sense of humor has kept me pepped up, even when things were stressful. I’m rooting for you in your new position! You’ll be incredible, and you deserve everything, so go knock them dead!

    Your bright and infectious energy has been everything to this department. You’ve inspired us all to succeed and keep going, despite the tough times. Here’s to achieving your dreams and brighter horizons!

    I’m so glad that you’ve found this new opportunity. With all your hard work and development, you’ve truly earned it. I wish you the best of luck and don’t forget to keep in touch.

    You’ve always seemed so smart and put together that it’s inspiring. If only we’d gotten a chance to work together more. I’m crossing my fingers that this next step is everything you’ve been dreaming of.

    I’ll miss how you cared for us, even when you didn’t have to. You’ve been an essential part of the team, and a key part of keeping everybody sane and healthy. You’re such a kind and thoughtful person, and I know you’ll go far.

    You’re so bright and have amazing energy with a hunger to learn. We’ve loved having you as an intern, and we wish we could keep you for ourselves. I know you’ll find the right fit for your growing talents.

    I heard you’re switching teams. I’ll miss being able to work with you every day. You’re always so cool and competent even in the most stressful times. I wish you the best of luck in the new position and hope to see you around.

    This will be such a new and exciting opportunity for you, and I know you’ll adapt well to all the changes. I’m wishing you well, through the good and the bad. Please do reach out if you need something that we can help with.

    We would like to thank you dearly for all you have done to help us achieve each of our milestones. Your steady hard work and skills have made this a better organization. A fond farewell, and may you find success in your future endeavors.

    Performance reviews and monthly targets, data and number crunching, spreadsheets and project management… it all comes and goes, day by day. But the memories that we’ve shared in the time I’ve known you will last forever. Of course, I’ll miss you, but I’m also cheering you on. May this next step in your life be the very best.

    farewell messages coworker leaving the office goodbye and good luck

    Farewell Messages for When You’re Leaving the Company

    You might be leaving your job for many reasons, whether you’ve found a better opportunity, moving, or have personal or health reasons. But no one wants to leave without a word! These farewell messages give you the chance to leave a final positive impression with your boss, coworkers, and workplace friends.

    It’s been a pleasure to work with everyone here. I appreciate all the experience I’ve gained among such amazing people, as I move forward into the next steps of my career. Thank you all so much, and I wish you the best.

    It’s so hard to say goodbye. You all have been so supportive of me and my goals, and that support has been invaluable. As much as I’m looking forward to moving on, I know that I’ll miss this place and each of you.

    Saying farewell to this company feels a little like leaving home. You have been like a family to me. I’ll never forget how much you’ve taught me and how I’ve grown among you. Thank you for your support and encouragement.

    If I weren’t moving away, I would keep working here as long as I can. You have been incredible to work with, and I’ll remember this workplace with joy.

    Thank you for all your support and friendship. Though I’m excited about my upcoming change, I’m also nervous and sad about saying goodbye. You’ve made this job a special place to be, and I’ll remember it fondly. You have my number, so shoot me a message sometime.

    I’m going to miss you, my inseparable work buddy. Knowing that I won’t speak to you daily anymore is one of the hardest parts of saying goodbye to this job. I’m so grateful for your friendship. Even though I have a lot of changes coming up, I promise I won’t be too busy to listen to your workplace and life updates.

    Though we’ve had our disagreements and haven’t always seen eye to eye on every issue, working with you has been an incredible learning experience. I don’t think I would have achieved the success I have today without you to challenge my point of view. Thanks for being you!

    I can’t say that I envy you for the task of managing me, but you’ve always done it with kindness and understanding. As I move on to the next step of my career, I won’t forget anything you taught me or the invaluable encouragement you’ve given me. Thank you truly!

    As soon as I accepted this job, I knew I was so lucky to have landed a position with the coolest, smartest, and most accomplished team I could think of. It’s been a privilege getting to know each of you. Now that I’m looking forward to these next steps in my life, I want you to know how much I’ve enjoyed working among you.

    Farewell and Congratulations Messages for Retirement

    As welcome as retirement may be after a long career, it can also be slightly terrifying for many people—especially those who derive their sense of meaning, routine, and social time from the workplace. While retirees can certainly find this outside the workplace when they’re ready, it can be hard to say goodbye. These farewell messages for retirees will remind them that they’re valued and appreciated.

    Bon voyage for your trip and best wishes for the next journey where life takes you.

    Thank you for all the incredible work and dedication that you’ve given to the team all these years. We’re sad to see you go, but we’re all so happy that you’re getting this opportunity in retirement to relax and enjoy the best things in life.

    As you go, I can’t help but think about how patient and knowledgeable you were when I first began. Your presence is a big part of how I understand what it means to work at this place, and I’ll never forget the lessons you’ve taught me. We’ll miss you!

    Congratulations on your retirement. I don’t even know how to think of this place without you. Rest assured that we’ll manage, and you should do all the things you’ve been looking forward to!

    You were the heart of this team, and you’ve earned this time to rest. May you enjoy a retirement full of joy and health.

    Click here to go to the full collection of Retirement Wishes and Retirement Quotes.

    Humorous or Funny Farewell Messages for Colleagues

    Do you have a fun and joking workplace? Send your coworker off with a smile on their face with these humorous goodbye messages. And don’t forget to follow it up with a sentiment that’s warm and sincere as well. Just keep in mind, these messages use teasing and banter that may not be appropriate for all workplace relationships.

    So long, lunch buddy. I’ll be lonely eating my sandwiches without our chats and your hilarious gossip. Let’s be sure to keep in touch!

    Just so you know, you will be impossible to replace. I don’t know if we’ll ever find someone who posts as many memes as you do, who is always the first to eat the cake in the break room, who is always the quickest to a joke when things are stressful. You’ve kept this place cheerful, and for that, I can’t thank you enough.

    Just when I was finally getting to know you, you’re leaving—no fair! Oh well, we’ll just have to hang out later and you can let me know how the new job is.

    Cheers to my work bestie! Yeah of course it’s a bummer to see you go, but I know we’ll still talk, and besides I just want to see you happy and following your dreams.

    Knock, knock. Who’s there? Oh, it’s just me at your cubicle buddy, bored and asking you to entertain me… Too bad you’re not here anymore! I miss you already.

    Quick! Before you leave, I have a few more requests. How about some paid vacation for the whole team? You know, we need time to get over missing you. Don’t worry, the budget can be our next manager’s problem. No? Oh well, we’ll still miss you around here. Thanks for always being a real one.

    While I can’t blame you for leaving, you should know it won’t be the same without you.

    Here’s to hoping the grass really is greener on the other side! Wishing you the best of luck in your future position.

    Oh ho! Look who’s leaving us, maybe now we can actually get some work done. It’ll be a bummer here without you, though, buddy.

    Congrats on escaping the asylum—oops, I meant ‘workplace.’ Hope you’re off to better pastures.

    Farewell Messages to a Boss or Mentor

    Writing a fond farewell to a boss, manager, or mentor doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. Bosses thrive from recognition too, and these goodbye messages acknowledge their achievements, appreciate them as a person, and wish them luck with their next steps.

    You’ve taught me so much about making it in this industry: how to solve problems and stay above the pressures. I hope you know that we all think the world of you. Whatever you’re up to now, I know it will be incredible.

    Thank you for all the time and attention you dedicated to me and all your protégés over the years. I’ve learned so much from your skills and thoughtful guidance, and we will excel in your name.

    More than a boss, you’ve been an incredible mentor for me since I started here. Your contributions will be remembered even after you’re gone.

    Thank you for being such a good leader. Your level decisions have made this an excellent workplace that brings in interesting and talented people. Your dedication to the overall success of the company is a constant inspiration.

    I’d never before felt so inspired to work hard and care about my performance, and that’s all because of you and your influence. This place won’t be the same without you, but I’m looking forward to the opportunity to live up to your example.

    Need More Ideas for Coworker Greeting Cards?

    Writing to coworkers can require a balance of fun and professional. Here are some other pages for finding the right works for congratulating a coworker.

    Birthday Wishes for Coworker
    Retirement Wishes
    Retirement Quotes

    Retirement Gift Ideas

    I hope you enjoyed our collection of retirement wishes and messages! If you’re looking for more card message ideas, do take a look at our collection of Retirement Quotes for inspiration!

    If you’re looking for a personalized retirement gift or some funny retirement gag gift ideas, do take a look at these related articles below.

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